Independence Day, July 4th, is a day to celebrate what a determined and united people can do.
I had written a post about how various entities are working overtime to divide us. They are relying on the rest of that headline phrase, “United We Stand,” to tear this wonderful country apart. “Divided We Fall.” I reworded that to read, “United We Stand, Divided We Submit.” They believe it. They are working to make it happen. As I said, I didn’t use that post because I felt it dwelt too much on the negative aspects. Negative aspects do abound, but they are not what we need to be teaching our children.
In my opinion, we should teach our children what is right and good about our country, how we are overcoming our faults, and how that effort to better ourselves continues. I’m reminded of a World War II song: “We did it before, and we can do it again, and we will do it again.” You can read all of the lyrics online.
Overcoming problems and evils as our country grew and developed over almost two and a half centuries is built into our very nature. We don’t ignore problems, nor do we surrender to those who would shame us into submission to their will. We roll up our sleeves, salute our flag, and work to improve this great land for all its citizens who love it. Warts and all.
As those with hate and divisiveness in their hearts stir dissension, we draw closer, unite in our efforts to be the best we can be, to love one another, and pray for the help and direction of God.