Back on September 22,2022, I wrote a post titled “IS IT OKAY FOR A GHOSTWRITER TO DO YOUR KID’S HOMEWORK? Now I want to tell you about another way to use AI that may help your kids increase their imagination and improve their writing skills.
Yes, I know that sounds like a complete reversal from what I said before, but really it’s not. The artificial intelligence I’m talking about is a way to create art. And it’s fun to try out. Check it out yourself.
Go to Shutterstock and read the article “What is Generative AI?” by Bridget Johnston. She says, “Creative content generated by AI is leading to an explosion of new experiences. It will inspire creative thinkers to try new things. Generative AI can also enhance processes and shorten timelines.” Using the tool provided by Shutterstock, one can design a piece of art by simply telling the AI what you want it to look like.
So how does this help kids? If the “artist” tells AI to produce a picture of a cat, the result will be four different views of a cat. I’ll just show two here.
However, if the instructions say “oil painting of a cat sitting in a window,” the result will be four very different looks of a cat.
Therefore, if your child learns that the more descriptive the directions are, the more complex the artwork will be, the request might read, “an orange cat, a black and white cat, and a tabby cat playing with a red long-tailed mouse using all styles.” If the result isn’t pleasing, change it from “all styles” to watercolor.
Or how about adding a German shepherd dog watching an orange cat . . . or maybe they should all be on grass with a blue sky and white clouds. You see how the type and amount of description simplifies or complicates the result? What an exciting way to teach the use of descriptive words. Show them how to use those words in a composition for school. Let them appreciate how even a newspaper article reporting on a tragedy is more interesting when descriptive words are used. Expand your child’s vocabulary and mental skills at the same time, while using generative AI. My guess is they’ll love it.
Your borders were in the heart of the sea. Your builders perfected your beauty.
Ezekiel 27:4