Deception only works if no one searches for the truth. So don’t let yourself be deceived. The truth is out there.
I’m sure you’re familiar with the adage, “A lie told often enough becomes the truth.” The word that has overtaken every element of society today is “racism.” The Woke are attaching the accusation of racism or racist to almost everything. Is it legitimate for us to assume that they are promoting transforming the label of racist to the actuality of racism? The majority of Americans, in whom no feelings of antipathy toward those of a different race exist, are now forced to make a decision: Will I accept the label of racist and perform endless “mea culpas,” or will I stand firm in my knowledge of who and what I am and fight against the attacks? I’m hoping for the latter.
Our defense begins with knowledge. Dennis Prager, whom the Los Angeles Times called, “An amazingly gifted man and moralist whose mission in life has been crystallized – ‘to get people obsessed with what is right and wrong,’” has written a column that I believe is a must-read for all who are willing to fight against charges of American racism. Please don’t let your children be brainwashed into believing that America was, is, and always will be a racist country filled with white supremacy. Yes, mistakes were made. But can you point to any country that has worked harder and more successfully to correct those mistakes than America?
I believe you would do well to read and discuss Prager’s column, “What American Schools Should Teach About Race, Racism and Slavery” with your children. In it, he points out,
They would learn that it was the West, beginning with England and America, that abolished slavery. And they would learn that the abolitionists were overwhelmingly religious Christians, animated by the Bible and Judeo-Christian values. (Emphasis mine.)
He quotes Thomas Sowell, a black man, whom he considers one of the greatest economists of the last half-century. Sowell wrote:
More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed. White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.
Help your children be ready to throw a fast-ball of facts back at anyone who dares to charge them personally, or Caucasians generally, with racism. It is not necessary to accept accusations without rebuttal. But more than being able to defend against such charges, they will know deep inside them that they are not racist, and they will not accept the label. And the belief that God has made all mankind in his image will translate into treating all people, regardless of skin color or standing in the community, with love and respect.