Is Christianity dying a slow death—death by a thousand cuts? The words on the front cover of my book Who’s Got Dibs on Your Kids? suggest that is precisely what is happening. Those words are:
“How the Pied Pipers of our society are leading your kids on a path away from you, your beliefs, your faith, and ultimately AWAY FROM GOD!”
I continue the thought on the back cover:
“Plenty of people think they have dibs on your kids. And plenty of Pied Pipers are ready to lead them away.
Are you ready to give them up?”
Ask yourself that question. Are you ready to give up your kids to a life that denies God? If you think this is an extreme idea, the following text is from the Socialist Party of Great Britain website.
. . . opposition to religion cannot be separated from opposition to the economic and social conditions that give rise to it. Religion won’t disappear simply because Secularists and Freethinkers, or for that matter Socialists, refute it as untrue.
In other words, religion cannot disappear until the conditions of which it is an ideological reflection disappear.
Why are the words from a socialist website important? Because Senator Bernie Sanders is a self-declared socialist, and President Joe Biden entered into a 110-page agreement with him regarding the goals of Biden’s presidency.
So how does this apply to your kids?
First, socialism cannot succeed in the presence of Christianity. They clearly state that.
Second, Bernie Sanders is a socialist. He clearly states that.
Third, President Biden has agreed to implement Bernie Sanders’s socialist principles. The Agreement clearly testifies to that.
This trip to socialism and to eliminate faith in God hasn’t started now. It’s been going on for quite a while. They knew it couldn’t be accomplished with one grand slice, taking off the head of religion. It had to be done with a thousand cuts. Let’s look at some of them.
- Remember learning about the Scopes trial, commonly called the “monkey trial, in
1925? It was about a law passed in Tennessee called the Butler Act. “The Butler Act was a 1925 Tennessee law prohibiting public school teachers from denying the Biblical account of mankind’s origin. The law also prevented the teaching of the evolution of man from what it referred to as lower orders of animals in place of the Biblical account.” A teacher, John Scopes, violated that law. He lost his case, but the ball had begun to roll. Today only evolution is permitted to be taught in most public schools. Coverage of a study on current teaching about evolution reports:
- Adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards, along with improvements in pre-service teacher education and in-service teacher professional development, appears to have contributed to a large reduction in both creationist instruction and mixed messages that could lead students to think that creationism is a scientific perspective. Combined with teachers devoting more hours to evolution—including human evolution—instruction at the high school level has improved by these measures since the last national survey in 2007. (Emphasis mine.)
After World War II we saw a lot of changes in education.
- In 1955 the American Medical Association, in conjunction with the National Education Association (NEA), published five pamphlets, commonly referred to as “the sex education series” for schools.
- Then, sex education in middle school morphed into “how to have sex safely.”
- Sex education began in kindergarten.
Man and Woman
- In a report titled “The Legal Liability Associated with Homosexuality Education in Public Schools” it is stated, “What is becoming increasingly clear, however, is that despite claims to the contrary, the “safe school” message of these organizations is nothing more than a deceptive ploy designed to preach safety but actually encourage sexual activities that are quite unsafe.” (Emphasis mine.)
- Some schools in the U.S. will be required to teach transgenderism studies to kindergartens by the fall of 2017, under new plans by the government.
Parental Rights
- The Daily Signal has an article titled “California Teachers Union Wants
Kids to Pursue Gender Transition Without Parental Consent.” It says in part, “Even in California, you have to be 18 to get a tattoo, 16 to drive a car, 21 to buy a gun, alcohol, or pot. But if you want to change your gender? Well, then, you just have to be 12. And your public school will be more than happy to help.”
“All one in Christ Jesus”
- Critical race theory (CRT) is being taught in public schools.
- The National Education Association adopted a resolution of endorsement for a Black Lives Matter at School Day. “Incorporating BLM’s ideas into K-12 school curricula extends beyond one week of each school year. In a letter of support, BLM co-founder Opel Tometi describes the effort as “a new uprising for racial justice” in the nation’s schools.”
Sanctity of Life
- A World article titled “Public school curriculum promotes abortion,” refers to a Missouri lawsuit regarding abortion. “Listed in the materials as a resource, among others, is Advocates for Youth, which also helped draft the standards and curriculum. This group promotes allowing minors to kill their babies without parental knowledge or consent, and makes referrals to abortion providers and advocates.”
There is probably no need to continue with this litany of ways socialists aretrying, and often succeeding, in turning our kids away from the paths of God. This is not meant to be an opinion piece that capitalism is better than socialism, it is to call your attention to those who want to substitute socialism for capitalism, and to accomplish that they must destroy faith in God, beginning with the children. We must not let that happen. Stand Firm!
They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.
(Psalm 20:8)